3 Benefits Of Soundproofing Your Home Office

If your working from home experience has been riddled with noise transmission problems, you should consider making it soundproof. Adding soundproof qualities to your home office has many benefits, from noise reduction to privacy and better productivity. It can also increase the value of your space should you need to sell it in the future.

Let’s talk about three ways your home office can benefit from being soundproof.

3 Benefits Of Soundproofing Your Home Office

Noise-reduction. The most obvious benefit is noise reduction. By adding acoustic foam to your space, you can reduce the noise coming in and out of your home office. You will also reduce the reverberation inside the room, so if you are operating a recording studio or hosting speaking conferences, noise reduction is a necessity for quality sound control. For a more private space, such as a law office, noise-cancelling foam is incredibly useful. Acoustic panelling can offer added privacy to a meeting space, so what is said inside the office stays inside the office. Soundproofing your commercial space can also lead to better productivity. Reducing small distractions, like the sound of the city or conversations by others in the home, can keep you more focused on your own projects. In the long run, this will lead to working harder, not longer, and putting out a better quality of work at the same time. So how should I go about soundproofing my home office?

The process of soundproofing your space is a lot easier than it may sound. Here are three tips to help you soundproof your home office.


Take adequate measurements. The first step to soundproofing any space at all is to start with adequate measurements. As the saying goes, measure twice and cut once. Accurate measurements will help you know how much soundproofing material you need to purchase. You can also measure the noise level by using a sound pressure level, or SPL.

Apply noise absorption materials. If your goal is to reduce reverberation, then you’re looking for noise absorption materials. These materials can range from multiple window panes, acoustic 3D tiles, and acoustic drapes, such as those used in the hotel industry. Our customised stretch fabric system also includes a sound absorption material concealed within the perimeter of the frame and the Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) can be adjusted to the needed specifications per room.

Apply noise reduction materials. Noise reduction, on the other hand, blocks sounds. This type of soundproofing is designed for privacy. Noise reduction materials can range from partitions in a room, the installation of carpets or upholstered furniture, or you can use acoustic tiles on the walls.

Soundproofing foam can be applied in any commercial building such as small offices and restaurants to large spaces such as warehouses, churches, or farmhouses.

Soundproofing your space has many benefits, and it’s not even difficult to accomplish. If you’re looking for more privacy and productivity, then investing in soundproofing materials can have long-term benefits for your commercial space. If your goal is to reduce reverberation, then you should invest in acoustic foam panels and acoustic drapes along with strengthening any window panes. For noise reduction, placing partitions in a room and installing carpets and upholstered furniture will be very beneficial.

Contact us for more information

Please feel free to contact Acoustica Projects for more information on the products and consultation and let’s get your soundproofing project underway!

Email us – enquires@acousticaprojects.com.au

Call us 1300 498 268

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